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Children’s Wisconsin Leverages Artera’s Conversation Builder to Identify and Reduce Barriers to Care While Driving Meaningful Patient Interactions

In an effort to reduce no-shows and eliminate barriers to care, Children’s Wisconsin leveraged Artera’s Conversation Builder, ChatAssist AI, to make significant strides within their community at large, as well as operationally within the organization. Developing a no-show follow-up workflow, they identified two major reasons patients were failing to show up for their appointments: transportation […]

OrthoIllinois: Multi-Appointment View Increases Patient Satisfaction & Engagement

Being a multispeciality clinic, patients often have 4-5 appointments on the same day at OrthoIllinois. Hear how they leveraged Artera to implement a customized multi-appointment view to increase patient satisfaction and engagement. “In orthopedics, we are all about speed – we want to get people in and get people out quickly. Artera’s automations integrate seamlessly […]

Children’s Wisconsin Uses Wayfinding to Provide Concierge Patient Service

Navigating a huge hospital system can be intimidating for families especially when dealing with a sick child so Children’s Wisconsin wanted a solution that would provide directions for their patients and families all the way to their appointment door. Read about how Children’s Wisconsin brought their wayfinding technology and Artera together to create a “Google Maps” […]

Optimizing Revenue In Uncertain Times

A 2021 AHA study states the healthcare industry will lose between $53 to $122 billion, depending on the state of the economy. As health systems move forward in revenue recovery efforts after the COVID-19 pandemic, patient engagement will be key to their financial success. The Artera Optimizing Revenue In Uncertain Times playbook provides multiple workflows […]

COVID-19 Vaccine Communication Playbook

This tactical patient communications playbook provides best-practices developed for educating patients about the COVID-19 vaccine, informing them of its availability, and scheduling/managing appointments. It includes strategies and sample messaging, which are currently being employed by WELL Health’s healthcare partners and clients in collaboration with our client success team. Download this playbook for tips to communicate […]