Artera’s New Intake, Payments, and Scheduling Solutions Work Better Together |

November 19, 2024

Heartbeat’24 Ecosystem Panel | Advancing Your Patient Communications Strategy

In this conversation, healthcare leaders share the importance of timely appointment reminders and patient updates, as well as insights on successful programs, including mammography campaigns that generated significant revenue and improved patient outcomes. The conversation also touches on the integration of messaging systems to reduce patient confusion and improve your overall patient communications strategy.

Marcy McDonald, Uintah Basin Healthcare: So when we started, we wanted to keep it simple, too. We are rural health, and our providers go a lot of different places within our communities. We want our patients to get there. We wanted them to be on time, and we wanted them to the right location. We also where we’re rural health, we wanted the numbers going out that these patients are receiving the messages from – we want patients to know that’s us. So it was really important for patients to know that that number that it was coming from was from Uintah Basin Healthcare, and that they were going to show up at the right facilities to see these providers.

Zach Wood, Artera: That’s great. And so you’ve seen a lot of results there that I think getting people to the right locations and making sure that they’re on time for results have been great. Amy, Any thoughts on some of the progress and results that you’ve had in your journey?

Amy Partilla, Hackensack Meridian Health: Yeah, absolutely. I mean, we’re doing. You know, I mentioned 10 million appointment reminders a year, and we are continuing to add to that. In addition to that, we’re doing mammography, care gap closure programs where we’re sending out messages for women overdue for their mammo. Pam mentioned that in the previous talk, and mentioned that you know 2.7 million. We sent out, I want to say, 2.7 million dollars in incremental revenue, and that was from only a 5 to 6 month period last year. That was, we texted about 48,000 patients. From that we got about 6,000 appointments, and that led to that 2.7 million in incremental revenue, just for that it was May to September of last year. We were able to see that downstream. And also, more importantly, there’s a 2% positive on a lot of those mammograms that came back. So those women who may have missed that, you know, got the got that news and got into treatment, and, you know, we help them identify that. 

So one other sort of anecdotal – I don’t have numbers on it – but we have integrated our Optime, which is Epic’s surgery module. So we send family messages when a patient is in surgery, we send them updates, you know, of when they’re going into surgery, how they’re progressing when we expect them to come out, etc. That’s all done through Epic, but we run those messages – We have been doing them via email, We now run those messages through Artera, through SMS, and from that we have found, looking at our Harmony dashboard, which we may talk about a bit more later, but there’s 1 of those pieces where we were kind of stepping on each other. There was some overlap. Some patients were getting an appointment reminder for surgery, and some patients were also getting a message from Optime for their upcoming surgery, and that was causing a lot of confusion around patients. And we had, you know, no awareness of that, really, until we really started digging in and looking at these multiple messages. So we were able to resolve that. And it’s just one of those small things that will make a big difference to patients if they feel like you don’t you know the right hands are talking to the left hand. That’s not going to build confidence in your healthcare system. So we’re able to resolve that. And we continue to look for issues like that.

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