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conversational messaging

Is Your Organization Finding New Value From Conversational Messaging As You Continue to Deploy it in Different Ways?

There was one instance that comes to mind was an oncology patient. Their car broke down, or they had something going on with their vehicle.

And they text in the clinic, I’m not gonna be able to make it to my appointment. My car broke down, and the staff responded, okay, do you wanna convert this to a virtual appointment? And they’re able to still be seen. Right.

Yeah. So there’s like, you know, little bright spots like that. We’re anticipating a ton of value you know, again, we had twenty nine offices. We’ve got one hundred and seven going live today.

But we when we worked with our sales, agent, Kevin, and when we got with Lauren and Reed, we were just like, we are gonna suck everything out of this platform than we possibly can, and we’re gonna look at all kinds of ways we can use it. We’re gonna be launching a program around discharges for, patients from one of our hospitals to see if we can reduce readmission rates and using conversationally, and we’re doing it at the end of the month. And, we sat down with our clinicians, and they walked us through what the script, you know, over a period, these, a series of texts over a period of thirty days, what would they would look like?

And when it kicks over, then, over to the clinician, when the clinician needs to nervine. Otherwise, they keep going through that. I’ll be really interested in that because in the end, that’s the holy grail. Can I help somebody using technology get better and stay better?

That’s right. And that’s, you know, that’s the one where I think that if we prove this one out, we could take throughout the whole house. But can we really find out easily, you know, Did they re did they schedule with their PCP? What is their pain level like?

Do they need help getting their prescriptions filled? How many of us in our clinicians struggle with that when our patients are discharged?

Also really curious to learn You know, everybody talks about content, you know, like, woah, we’re we set them home with that big folder full of content of all the line drawings and how you’re supposed to clean your wound and stuff. And I’m like, does anybody ever does this stuff work? If we if we add content to these things, does it work. Mhmm.

Does it make a difference? I don’t know. And so I’ll be really interested in the next iteration to figure out that next piece. That’s where we’re gonna go.

How are we using it to, improve the care?

We have a few use cases that are new that came in, One was specifically around using conversational messaging, to prevent patients presenting themselves to the ED, that that was brand new that just came in.

And we are currently also using it and expanding it. For I’m sure all of you are familiar with this, the No surprises Act, no surprises billing. So the patient, you know, needs to know upfront about their bill.

We’re using that tool.

We have an automation that fires to the patient, letting them know that they have an estimate created.

But the patient access team is in the platform itself interacting with the patients back and forth. And that was a small I think it was it was a very centralized approach. Now they’re expanding that. Now the scope of that, I’m not sure, but that’s the two main pieces that come to mind off the top of my head.