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conversational messaging

As You Rolled Out Conversational Messaging, How Did You Approach Implementation? What Did You Learn?

From the rollouts and all the go-lives, I have probably three takeaways: The first one is having a streamlined process to get users into the platform which would tie into the training. So once they complete the learning module online, making sure that the users know This is not something you access through Epic. This requires you to access it through a browser and making sure they know how to submit that request to our ISD team.

The second takeaway, I would, in addition to obviously having resources and stuff, you know, folks to click on and learn. The second takeaway is in terms of the rollouts, So if you’re currently using Artera just for automations and you’re just firing off reminders and no one’s in the platform, There’s a big difference once users get in the platform. So once actual end users are in the platform, that’s when general tickets are gonna start generating. That they may not understand something that may think something is wrong in the platform or resources assigned incorrectly.

So where do those tickets go? They go to your ISD team or your IT team. So you gotta make sure they’re dialed in and looped in, you know, ensure that they’re aware that these go-lives are coming.

And the third item is – It may be a large ask – but I know if I have a clinic reach out to me directly and they want a more hands-on approach, I take it upon myself and I’ll meet with them one on one and walk them through the platform myself and show them, you know, how you can really leverage this And this is after the go lives. We’ll still have groups reach out. You know, they just wanna understand it better.

So, yeah, make sure Users know how to access it and log in. That’s number one. And then number two, have your IT support team who’s here today, and I thank you guys very much for all the work you do dialed in. And then the third item would be, like, a hands-on approach.

Like, if you have the capacity to do that. And then it’ll pick up steam. So right now, we have thirty two at the end of the month. We’ll have, like, forty seven, and then there. So by the end of the year, I’ll have a hundred and fifty practices, across a multitude of specialties, all primary care women’s health, primary pediatrics, ortho-neuro, urology, urology is complete right now.

But what we did is we took it a little bit differently. It’s not just about using the carer program. When we bring you in, we bring you into the pack and our patient access center, but we also say, and now you’re on patient texting, and now you’re on online appointment scheduling, including like our oncology department does online. And so we’re not saying Oh, here’s just this one piece. We’re saying we’re gonna look at your entire Access Center.

And access points, whether it’s through text, through email, through the web, through the phones. And so we bring all of that up together. So it takes us a little bit longer but we do it’s one change for the practice, one change for the division, one change. So it’s for us easier to manage.

Our governance around that is, I said earlier, we go to an executive strategy council. They’ve blessed the strategy.

And all the stakeholders are there. But I actually work with a real group of dedicated and talented people from our medical group who are, you know, side by side. I’ve got clinical leader side by side who sit down with us and say, this is how we’re gonna put all the pieces together and how they set the priorities. So for instance, our orthopedics practice came to us and said, we’re bombarded, our whole division.

And we’re like, well, we can help, but to help, we need you to do visit type standardization, template redesign, online appointment scheduling. How many of you are like, oh, I feel that pain. That’s like, yeah. I can hear it.

They’re like, oh, you mean one appointment type for all new net new patients? Well, yes, yes, I do mean that. And, so, so that’s the kind of work that we do. So it takes a little bit longer, but we bring up the full package at once.

Yeah. We learned the importance of training and, connecting people on the platform with other people so that they could learn from each other. That was a big learning. We just went live with a hundred and seven offices today.

Great timing. Oh.


We have nine hundred, and we have a very aggressive and optimistic, twelve-month rollout, but my team’s group has been just going bananas today, with questions. But it’s great because they are all now connecting together and figuring out and talking about the best ways to optimize. And so, but for us, we really learned how important training was.

And what we did recently is I filmed a video with our senior leadership team. And, you know, we’re dealing with a lot of change management. Right? Yep.

We have a new CEO. We have a new president. We have a new thing. In our era that we’re asking people to do. And some people think what’s just another thing you’re asking us to do. But what we did with our senior leadership team in this video that I interviewed them. We defined, okay, what is Artera?

Why are we asking you to do it? How is it going to impact your job, and how does it align with our strategy?

And so when we spell those things out from the senior leadership team, in direct, you know, video eye contact to the office administrators, they can digest that and then go, okay. And part of it was we listened to you, and you told us you hate the phones. So we’re gonna do something for you. So it’s not just, you know, only about patients.

It’s also about you. And, then I did a video with some of our pilot users and Those happy people. Those happy people. I picked the happiest and, got them on a video too, and, you know, ask them questions like, how did this impact your job?

Were you scared at first? You know, and so then those so that’s the first training module that our new users see. It’s like your senior leaders support you, your colleagues, have done it. They love it.

Welcome aboard. And I think that that has been very helpful and something that we learned out the gate months.