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January 21, 2019

Ten Ways to Save Time with Artera’s New Keyword Actions

You decide which keywords to look for and how the system will respond. Keywords can trigger an auto-response, alert a team that a message needs immediate attention, confirm appointments, or set a channel to close. And you don’t have to choose just one; a single keyword can trigger multiple actions at once.

Don’t worry: the Keyword Actions feature isn’t designed to replace personal contact with patients. It’s just Artera’s newest way to offload your most basic procedures, so your staff can focus on the interactions that really matter.

10 Ways to Save Time with Artera’s New Keyword Actions

1. Scheduling: We’ve got the keywords “confirm,” “cancel,” and “reschedule” covered elsewhere. But you can set Artera to be on the lookout for less-than-obvious scheduling phrases like “I’ll be there,” “different time,” or “can’t make it” to automatically confirm or cancel an appointment!

2. Administrative: A message containing a provider’s name can open a new channel, tag the medical assistant, and let the patient know you’ll respond soon—all at once!

3. Prescriptions: Keywords like “prescription” and “refill” can open a channel. If you frequently see the same medication names over and over in patient messages, it’s worthwhile to make those keywords as well.

4. Billing: Money questions can be quickly and easily answered over text. Set keywords like “owe,” “statement,” or “balance” to alert your billing team that attention is needed.

5. Problem-solving: A text with the words “issue” or “problem” can automatically open a patient’s channel, helping you respond to concerns more quickly—and foster a happier patient population.

6. Transportation: When patients miss an appointment, it’s often because they can’t find a ride. A keyword like “car” or “ride” can tag your transport team or respond with a link to Uber or Lyft. If patients frequently request your “address,” send them a link to a map!

7. Patient acquisition: Getting new patients established at your practice can be time consuming. Expedite the process by prompting a new patient to fill out an information form. Or increase your portal enrollment by auto-responding with a portal enrollment link.

8. Clinical: Let’s say you’re sending out a campaign encouraging patients to come in for their annual flu shot. Your campaign message might instruct patients to respond with “#flushot.” That keyword can then tag a scheduler and let the patient know that their request has been received.

9. Emergency: If a text includes words like “emergency,” “suicide,” or “urgent,” your system can instruct the patient to call 911 immediately—and tag a staffer to follow up.

10. Patient satisfaction: A patient’s “thanks” can prompt a friendly “You’re welcome!” And for any word of praise (like “awesome,” “amazing,” or “fantastic”), invite patients to fill out an online review.

These are just some ideas to get you started! Keyword Actions is an enormously flexible feature that can fit into your practice wherever you need it most. Don’t hesitate to call us if you have questions or would like more ideas!

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