Artera’s New Intake, Payments, and Scheduling Solutions Work Better Together |


Date: October 19, 2021
 - October 20, 2021
Location: Las Vegas, NV

NACHC’s FOM/IT con­fer­ence is a gath­er­ing of health cen­ter senior lead­ers, man­agers, finance, oper­a­tions and IT staff across the coun­try who are seek­ing an oppor­tu­nity to inter­act with their col­leagues, indus­try experts and pow­er­ful speak­ers to share proven tech­niques and tools; and dis­cover inno­v­a­tive strate­gies nec­es­sary to trans­form their orga­ni­za­tions.

The conference will showcase practical tools, cutting edge strategies, and technology to address financial and operational challenges of today and the future. The conference will highlight high-performing health centers that are innovating and boldly re-defining what community health looks like in action and practice.